Student Consumer Information

Notice Regarding the Availability of Institutional and Financial Aid Information

Availability of Consumer Information

Each institution must annually distribute to all enrolled students a notice of the availability of the information that is required to be made available to students under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). These required disclosures ensure the institution maintains federal compliance.

At Saint Paul College, the Student Consumer Information is available on our website (, see below for listing of required disclosure information and resources. This includes information regarding Student Right to Know, Accessibility Services, Financial Aid Information, Campus Security, Policies, etc. The institution will provide a paper copy upon request.

Contact Information for Assistance in Obtaining Institutional or Financial Aid Information

Each institution must make available to prospective and enrolled students information regarding how and where to contact individuals designated to assist enrolled or prospective students in obtaining the institutional or financial aid information required to be disclosed.


Institutional Information

Academic Programs (Educational, Instructional Facilities and Faculty)

Each institution must make available to prospective and enrolled students information about academic programs of the institution, including:

  • current degree programs and other educational and training programs;
  • instructional, laboratory, and other physical facilities that relate to the academic programs;
  • faculty and other instructional personnel; and
  • any plans by the institution for improving the academic programs.


Accreditation of Institution and Programs

Each institution must make available to prospective and enrolled students:

  • names of associations, agencies, or governmental bodies that accredit, approve, or license the institution and its programs; and
  • procedures for obtaining or reviewing documents describing accreditation, approval, or licensing.


Complaint Process

The institution provides clear information regarding its procedures for receiving complaints and grievances from students and other constituencies, responds to them in a timely manner, and analyzes them to improve its processes.


Copyright Infringement

Institutions must annually make available to current and prospective students the institution’s policies and sanctions related to copyright infringement, including:

  • a statement that explicitly informs students that unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material, including unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing, may subject the students to civil and criminal liabilities;
  • a summary of the penalties for violation of federal copyright laws; and
  • the institution’s policies with respect to unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing, including disciplinary actions taken against students who engage in illegal downloading or unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials using the institution’s information technology system.

Copyright Infringement Policies and Sanction Notice
Downloading and distributing copyrighted material, including through peer-to-per (P2P) file sharing, without the permission of the copyright owner is against the law. Illegal downloading or distribution of copyrighted material can result in you being prosecuted in criminal court and/or sued for the damages in the civil court. Criminal penalties for first time offenders can be as high as five years in prison and $250,000 in fines. If sued in civil court, you may be responsible for monetary damages, attorneys’ fees, and civil penalties up to $150,000 per work distributed. Use of Saint Paul College resources for unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material is forbidden.

The College prohibits illegal copyright infringement through its “Acceptable Use of Computers and Information Technology Resources” policy and in its student conduct code. Disciplinary action, including loss of use of the College information technology systems up to and including expulsion from the College could result from violations of this policy.

Diversity of Student Body

Institutions must make available to current and prospective students information about student body diversity, including the percentage of enrolled, full-time students in the following categories:

  • male;
  • female;
  • self-identified members of a major racial or ethnic group; and
  • Federal Pell Grant recipients.
  • Note: The race/ethnicity and the gender data are collected in the IPEDS Fall Enrollment Survey. Information about Pell Grant recipients is collected for the prior year in the IPEDS Student Financial Aid Survey.

Privacy of Student Records

Each institution must annually provide a notice to all enrolled students about:

  • the right to review their education records, to request amendment of records, to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information, and to file complaints with the Department of Education;
  • procedures for reviewing education records and requesting amendment of the records; and
  • if applicable, information about the institution’s policy regarding disclosures to school officials with a legitimate educational interest in the education records.

In order to disclose directory information without prior consent, an institution must provide to students a notice of directory information that includes:

  • the types of information the institution has designated as directory information; and
  • the student’s right to refuse to allow any or all such information about the student to be designated as directory information, and the time period the student has for notifying the institution in writing.


Services and Facilities for Students with Disabilities

Each institution must make available to prospective and enrolled students information about facilities and services available to students with disabilities, including students with intellectual disabilities.


Student Activities

Each institution must publicly disclose and make available to prospective and enrolled students a statement of the institution’s student activities, including a link to the institution’s website that provides information about student activities offered by the institution.


  • Student Life
    • Includes Student Event Calendar, Student Senate & Leadership, Student Associations, Veterans Resources, and Solidarity Programs

Textbook Pricing Information including Course Schedule Information

Each institution must disclose on the institution’s Internet course schedule used for preregistration and registration purposes, the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and retail price information of required and recommended textbooks and supplemental materials for each course listed. Institutions may provide a link to another appropriate website rather than providing the information directly in the Internet course schedule. The link must be clearly and prominently located on the Internet course schedule.

If the ISBN is not available, the institution must include in the Internet course schedule the author, title, publisher, and copyright date for the textbook or supplemental material.

If applicable, the institution must include on the institution’s written course schedule a notice that textbook information is available on the Internet course schedule and the Internet address for the schedule.

Upon the request of a college bookstore operated by or affiliated with the institution, the institution must make available as soon as practicable the most accurate information available regarding the course schedule, textbook information, and student enrollment information by course.


Transfer of Credit Policy

Each institution must publicly disclose and make available to prospective and enrolled students a statement of the institution’s transfer of credit policies that includes, at a minimum:

  • any established criteria the institution uses regarding the transfer of credit earned at another institution; and
  • a list of institutions with which the institution has established an articulation agreement.


Voter Registration

Saint Paul College encourages all eligible students, staff, and faculty to vote in local, state and national elections! Saint Paul College is not required to provide voter registration information because Minnesota permits eligible voters to register at their polling place on the Election Day.


Financial Assistance Information

Available Assistance from Federal, State and Local Institutional Programs

Each institution must make available to prospective and enrolled students information a variety of information including need-based and non-need-based financial aid, terms and conditions, eligibility requirements, procedures for applying for aid, disbursement options, rights and responsibilities (including satisfactory academic progress). Institutions must disclose the availability and eligibility for grant assistance.

Types of Aid Resources

Additional Available Information Regarding Loans

Institutions must disclose additional information regarding loans, including:

  • information from the Department of Education regarding loans, including rights and responsibilities of students and institutions;
  • loan information will be submitted to the NSLDS;
  • entrance and exit counseling, including detailed information about terms and conditions, repayment obligations, etc.;
  • private education loan information (including self-certification and preferred lender information);
  • code of conduct that prohibits a conflict of interest for financial aid staff; and
  • verification and how this may fit into the process of applying for financial aid.

Loan Resources

Cost of Attendance

Each institution must make available to prospective and enrolled students information about the price of attendance, including tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board, transportation costs, and any additional costs for a program in which the student is enrolled or expresses an interest. Institutions must also make available on their websites a net price calculator.


Penalties for Drug Law Violation of Aid

Each institution must provide to each student, upon enrollment, a separate, clear, and conspicuous written notice that advises the student that a conviction for any offense, during a period of enrollment for which the student was receiving Title IV, HEA program funds, under any federal or state law involving the possession or sale of illegal drugs will result in the loss of eligibility for any Title IV, HEA grant, loan, or work-study assistance. The institution must also provide a notice in a timely manner to any student who has lost eligibility, including ways in which the student can regain eligibility.


Refund Policy

Each institution must make available to prospective and enrolled students information about:

  • the institution’s refund policy;
  • requirements and procedures for official withdrawal; and
  • requirements for return of Title IV, HEA grant or loan aid.


Institutional Security Policies and Crime Statistics

Campus Security Report (Including Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures), Timely Warnings, and Crime Log

Institutions must distribute, by October 1 each year, a security report or a notice of the report to all current students and employees. If the institution distributes the report by posting it on the institution’s website, the institution must provide a notice by October 1 that includes a statement of the report’s availability, the exact electronic address, a brief description of the report’s contents, and a statement that the institution will provide a paper copy upon request. The institution must also provide a notice of availability of the report to prospective students and employees.

The report must include campus security policies, crime reporting and prevention information, policies regarding drugs and alcohol on campus or at campus events, policy regarding campus sexual assault prevention programs and the procedures to be followed once a sex offense has occurred, emergency response and evacuation procedures, crime statistics, and crime log.


Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Each institution must annually distribute in writing to each student and each employee:

  • standards of conduct that clearly prohibit the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees on the institution’s property or as part of any of the institution’s activities;
  • description of applicable legal sanctions under state, local, and federal law
  • description of health risks;
  • description of available counseling, treatment, rehabilitation, or re-entry programs; and
  • clear statement that institution will impose sanctions for violation of standards of conduct and a description of the sanctions.

Note: Students who enroll or employees who are hired after the annual distribution must receive the information.

Each institution must make available, upon request, to the Department of Education and to the public, the information distributed to students and employees (see above) and the results of a biennial review of the institution’s program that:

  • determines the effectiveness of the program and implements needed changes;
  • determines the number of drug and alcohol-related violations and fatalities that occur on the institution’s campus (as defined in HEA Sec. 485(f)(6), see subject # 20) or as part of the institution’s activities, and are reported to campus officials;
  • determines the number and type of sanctions that are imposed; and
  • ensures that sanctions are consistently enforced.


Drug-free Workplace

All organizations covered by the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 are required to provide a drug-free workplace by taking the following steps to notify employees:

  • providing a policy statement;
  • establishing a drug-free awareness program; and
  • notifying appropriate parties and taking appropriate action in the event of a drug violation.


  • Employees are able to access additional information regarding this policy via the Employee Portal.

Immunization Policy

Institutions must make available to current and prospective students information about institutional policies regarding vaccinations.


Information for Crime Victims

Institutions must, upon written request, disclose to the alleged victim of any crime of violence or a non forcible sex offense, the results of any disciplinary proceeding conducted by the institution against a student who is the alleged perpetrator of such crime or offense. If the alleged victim is deceased as a result of the crime or offense, the information shall be provided, upon request, to the next of kin of the alleged victim.


Completion and Graduation Rates

Career Services

Each institution must publicly disclose and make available to prospective and enrolled students a statement of the institution’s career and placement services, including a link to the institution’s website that provides information about career and placement services offered by the institution.


College Scorecard

The College Scorecard by the US Department of Education is an online tool created for prospective students wanting to compare cost and value of higher education institutions in the country. Data is provided on several areas including Cost, Financial Aid & Debt, Graduation & Retention Rates, Employment Outcomes, Student Body Demographics, and Academic Programs.


Completion/Graduation and Transfer Out Rates (Student Right to Know Act

Each institution must annually make available to prospective and enrolled students the completion or graduation rate of certificate- or degree-seeking, first-time, full-time, undergraduate students. The data are to be available by July 1 each year for the most recent cohort that has had 150 percent of normal time for completion by August 31 of the prior year.

An institution that determines that its mission includes providing substantial preparation for students to enroll in another Title IV, HEA-eligible institution must disclose a transfer-out rate for each cohort.

A student shall be counted as a completion or graduation if the student earns a degree or certificate or completes a transfer-preparatory program within 150 percent of normal time for the student’s program.

Institutions are allowed to exclude from completion/graduation or transfer-out rate calculations those students who leave school to serve in the Armed Forces, on official church missions, or with a federal foreign aid service, or are deceased or totally and permanently disabled.

Note: These data are collected in the IPEDS Graduation Rate Survey (GRS), for more information:


Job Placement Rates

An institution that advertises job placement rates as a means of recruiting students to enroll must make available to prospective students, at or before the time the prospective student applies for enrollment

  • the most recent available data concerning employment statistics and graduation statistics;
  • any other information necessary to substantiate the truthfulness of the advertisements; and
  • relevant state licensing requirements of the state in which the institution is located for any job for which the course of instruction is designed to prepare students.

Institutions must make available to current and prospective students information regarding the placement in employment of, and types of employment obtained by, graduates of the institution’s degree or certificate programs.

  • Under this provision, institutions are not required to calculate placement rates, but an Institution must disclose any placement rates it calculates for any program.


  • Saint Paul College Fact Book is a centralized collection of information and data about enrollment, degrees, majors, student demographics and student outcomes.

Retention Rate

Institutions must make available to current and prospective students the retention rate of certificate- or degree-seeking, first-time, undergraduate students as reported to IPEDS.

This information is collected in the IPEDS Fall Enrollment Survey. For more information:

If the retention rate information is requested by a prospective student, the information must be made available prior to the student’s enrolling or entering into any financial obligation with the institution.
